Poet, Audrey Austin

Poet, Audrey Austin
This site is to honour my mother, poet, Eva Ruby Austin.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dear Family of Mine - a poem by Norma Albrecht

Dear Family of Mine
Lovely are the thoughts and deeds of friends so grand and true,
Dearest are their worth and most loved in all they do,
Welcome smiles,when traveled miles return you once again,
My heart is right there with them,though far away I am, 
Such a treat to sit and greet,and share the latest news with My dear friends,
Have a tea,a laugh and be ourselves without any need to pretend,
My family so dear and sweet,I love to spend some time,
The heart does fonder grow you know when apart too long we find,
I am so fortunate to have the friends and family I've got,
Just to name a few of them ,,There is Fred And there Is Scott,
My dear Mother and Her sisters,Such a wonderful crew,
My cousins ,nieces ,and My own children, My husband Raymond too,
They make My life ,would not be nice to not have all of them,
My nephews and My Grandchildren ,so many women and dear Men,
My Uncles were of many,they now are of few,
My Grandparents may God bless them,and all that they did do,
Like a great and flourished tree,
Branches from the strongest foundation we,
Our Brothers and Sisters,one and all,
May our way be blessed and our blessed Savior call,
One by one we leave and wait,
One by one our final day,
One by one ,may we again then each other find,
One by one ,dear family of mine,,,
Norma Albrecht.

FINALLY FREE - a poem by Norma Albrecht

Finally Free
Free, free ,to be set free,
Nothing to fear, nothing to plead,
Free, free, from all that is wrong,
Free to not wonder where we belong,
Have you ever been free,from worry and care,
Have you ever been free ,have you been there,
Have you ever been free,and light as the wind,
Have you ever been free,have you My friend,
I visited freedom,there was nothing to hide,
I visited freedom,It took Me inside,
I visited freedom,but I could not stay,
The cares of this world called Me back again,
I will go back,when it is time,
I will go back ,to freedom divine,
Such a wonderful place,it is to be,
Where only love lives,and it loves Me,
This world and its problems,are for us to see,
What it will be like,to finally be free,
Without cares and problems,of every kind,
What would we know of appreciation,for the divine,
Though we would rather be happy,no care in this world,
Each of us need,to learn of good and evil,each boy and each girl,
So much to learn,so much to see,
Until we are finally ,,oh finally free,,,,
Norma Albrecht.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

SPRING - a poem by Eva Ruby Austin


Although the sky is Azure Blue,
Today the sun shines brightly too,
Its very presence seems to say
Remember Spring is on its way.

'Twill not be long before the trees,
Will bloom again and have new leaves,
The Robins,  then will come to say,
Remember! Spring is on its way.

How wonderful it is to know,
That lying lifeless in the snow,
The grass is waiting to be seen
In all it's beauty fresh and green

The flowers too, will wake to say
Remember! Spring is on the way,
To Mother Nature's' beckoning call
They hasten promptly one and all.

Eva Ruby  Austin.